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It’s safe to say that when it’s cold in Canada, it’s really, really cold. People tend to stay indoors as opposed to going outside and playing a game of catch in what can sometimes feel like -20 C. With that being said, the time you, your family and friends stay inside could be directly contributing to amassing dirt and grime where you can’t see it. A surface like your carpet is a perfect example of how you can get things dirty during the wintertime and at Vortex Services Inc, here’s why you might want to consider cleaning your carpet.

According to a study done by NASA, the amount of pollution inside your home is a lot higher than the pollution outdoors. If you’re concerned, don’t worry. It’s a lot more common than you’d think and no matter how much you clean your counter, floors, and bathrooms, your carpet is what needs the most love.

Carpets attract everything from allergens to dust to dirt. If you have pets, their dander is definitely spread out throughout your carpet. For most people, there’s no ideal way to clean your carpet other than vacuuming every Sunday. However, if you’re really concerned about the pollution within your home, it’s a really good idea to get your carpet deep cleaned professionally.
It’ll instantly improve your air quality and will remove the grit and grime within your carpet.

Another reason to get your carpet deep cleaned is because of the many pollutants that you may not be aware of, which have made their way into your home. When it’s wintertime, if you’re just popping into your house to grab something quickly, you’ll leave your boots on and walk straight onto the carpet. What you don’t realize is that your boots have snow, dirt, salt particles and whatever else you’ve stepped in underneath them. Whenever you walk on your carpet with your boots on, you’re transferring all this on that surface. If you host parties and tell your guests not to worry about taking their shoes off, then you’ve got an even bigger problem that you’re not thinking about. Add this to the list of why you should give your carpet a nice, deep clean.

If you have pets, then it’s very likely they run rampant all over your house. Sure, there are some areas where they know they aren’t supposed to go. But what you may not have known is that your pet sheds a lot every day. No pet is excited to go outside and handle their business in the coldest months. Accidents happen and it’s not completely out of the question for a pet to go
potty inside, where it’s warm versus outside, in the cold. Vacuuming alone will not get that out of your carpet.

If you get your carpet cleaned professionally, it’ll also dry a lot faster. It’s all that dry air that makes the process that much easier. If you have any more questions as to why hiring the pros is your best option when carpet cleaning, please call us at 519-878-8887, or come visit Vortex Services Inc at 317 Adelaide St S unit 13, in London!